Meet my Gang and her furry kids

Where I come from, the word "gang" is used to call someone you are close to or share a special bond with, such as a friendship. You can call it a term of endearment. I call my group of college friends   "Gang".  Understandably, I called the very first cat I ever named 'Gang'.

Gang with Jai, her fifth. 

So there was Gang in the beginning... An orange-coloured cat who happened to live at the house where I've been staying.  In the beginning I just gave her food when I'm home and not working. Gang's very first kittens were  Tammy and Sweetie. I brought Tammy to  be fostered by my sister while Sweetie stayed with me.

Tammy, before she had children.

Tammy got pregnant ahead of Sweetie. She had the most healthy kittens I have ever seen. Four of them survived birth and are now about  a year old: Phantom, White, Lucky and Miracle.

Meantime, Gang had two new kittens. Her third and fourth. I took care of them for awhile until one day they were thrown out of the house. I had to move mountains to get them back. Long story short, I found Gang and her two kittens a home in the vast compound of my office where there were trees and grasses. Gang's little kittens stayed there for awhile before they were fostered and later named Orange and Ponkan. I am forever grateful for the families they have now.

Sweetie with Snow.

It hurt to separate these two. 

And Sweetie had Snow on February 25 or 26 (I can't be certain because Sweetie gave birth to two on consecutive days while the third one died during delivery).

Snow at about 6 months.

I wouldn't have known what happened to Snow's sibling because Sweetie hid them from me for a while. Snow was the very first kitten I took care of from the very day he was born. 

Snow is not little anymore, although I still feed him cat food with "kitten" labels only. I still treat him as a little furry creature and just didn't realise it's been 8 months by this time and obviously bigger than his mother. I became a better cat parent because of him but I have so much to learn.

Gang's fifth kitten is Jai (j-ah-y) who never fails to show up from under my parked car every working day at the office. I love seeing her excited face each time - who can't wait to have my food treats.

And then came Gang's sixth - which I suspect is a male and I have yet to name.

I am starting this blog for Gang and her kittens and her kitten's kittens. And all the other cats and kittens I have yet to meet.

I hope that by sharing and telling my love and passion for cats, the rest of the world will come to see and love them too. I hope they start to care for them, especially the orphaned or abandoned cats and kittens. When people ask me why I care for them, I tell them simply because they're living, breathing beings, too. They're like children, too, who need humans for care and affection.

And besides, what kind of humans are not smitten or swooned by them?


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